School Meals

School Meals

School meals are prepared on site in the school kitchen. Our school cook, Mrs Hampson, is aware of all of the children’s dietary requirements. Please phone or come into the main school office to update your child’s information if anything has changed.

School hot dinners cost £2.40 per day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free hot dinner every day.

Should you wish to send your child with a packed lunch, please make sure that it has their name and class name written onto the bag.  We encourage healthy eating at Meadowside and for that reason we do not allow children to bring sweets or chocolate bars. We ask that they bring water or fruit juice for their lunch, no fizzy drinks.

Payment is via our cashless system on Arbor. You will require log-in details, which can be obtained from the school office if you have not already logged on before.

Free meals are available for children whose parents qualify. Please click on the title below for more information and applications. Once complete please return to school office.

W/C 25/09, 09/10

Week 1 Lunch Menu

W/C 02/10, 16/10

Week 2 Lunch Menu

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