We are a one form entry primary and nursery school which caters for pupils aged between 2 and 11 years. We also have an Early Years & KS1 Development Centre and a KS2 Designated Provision unit for children with cognition and learning difficulties. All children who attend these provisions have Education & Health Care Plans and are placed by the local authority (see the SEND pages on our website).
Most pupils come from a concentrated area around the school but a proportion of those who attend the Development Centre and Designated Provision come from other areas of Warrington.
Meadowside’s contextual information indicates that our children reside in an area that is within the highest 3% of deprivation nationally. Evidence shows that of the children who persistently experience poverty, 75% arrive at school below average in language development (‘Communication Trust, Talking About A Generation’, 2017). A child in a low income household, over their early years of life, will hear 30 million less words. Therefore we have created a curriculum filled with learning to talk and learning through talk, ensuring opportunities to acquire a rich and varied vocabulary, delivered in language-rich classrooms.
In 2019 Meadowside made the exciting decision to become part of The Challenge Academy Trust (TCAT), after developing highly effective partnerships with the schools involved in this multi academy trust. For more information on TCAT and the schools involved, please visit the website http://www.tcat.uk.com/
In 2020 we became a Flagship School for inclusivity with Inclusion Quality Mark, acknowledging our determination to provide all of our learners a school they can thrive in.
At Meadowside we are proud of our past but even more excited about the future…