Wraparound Care

Our ‘Breakfast Club’ and ‘After School Link Club’ are open!

We would like to offer our Meadowside families the option of ‘Wraparound Care’ before and after school, providing childcare and a range of activities that your child can take part in. We understand that some of our families require a little extra support and flexibility around our school start/finish times and would like to help where we can!

Wraparound Breakfast Club – This will be held during term time in our school dining hall, parents can drop off at the dining hall anytime between 8.00am and 8:30am via Fisher Avenue. The children will have the option of a breakfast on arrival with a veriety of calm activities to choose from as they wait for the class to open. The children will be taken to their classrooms for the start of the school day at 8.50 by a member of staff from the Breakfast Club.

Wraparound After School Link Club – The children will join us from 3:20pm to take part in a range of activities throughout the week. We aim to provide activities of various interests to appeal to the interests of our Meadowside children.

After school club runs from 3.20 – 5.15. 

Parents will collect the children from the Nursery shutter doors following either session.

Please note, there will be a fee for late collections following the 5:15pm session.

We need to ensure sufficient staff are available for the needs of your children, so you will need to commit to a regular slot. When signing the Terms and Conditions document, please indicate the days/times you require. Please book your child’s place through the online form or by contacting the school office by phoning 01925 632705 or by emailing

 office@meadowside.tcat.uk.com. Payment will need to be made via Arbor.

If you would like further information please contact the Main Office or Miss Churton via Class Dojo.


Wraparound Breakfast Club – £5.00 per day (includes breakfast)
Wraparound Link Club  (3.20pm-5.15pm) – £10.00 per day (includes snack)

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