Safeguarding at Meadowside

Safeguarding Statement

The Meadowside Welfare Team along with all the staff, volunteers and visitors to school aim to ensure that every child receives the best education possible.  We work hard to create a welcoming atmosphere which develops the social and emotional needs of everyone.  Children in school are nurtured, valued and treated equally.  Worries, concerns and thoughts of children are listened to in an environment of mutual respect. We support our children and their families by assessing issues and working with the family and professionals both inside and outside of school to find solutions.

You can contact any member of the Safeguarding Team or member of staff if you have a concern relating to a child.

Should you ever have urgent concerns for the immediate safety of a child you should contact the police.

For further advice, please visit – Warrington Safeguarding Partnership.


When working with practitioners from other agencies, at times there will be differences of opinion or concerns about professional practice in relation to a child, young person or family. If we feel that a practitioner, or an agency, is not acting in the best interests of the child, young person or family, we have the responsibility to respectfully challenge the practitioner, or agency, and escalate that concern if resolution is not achieved.  We would use the Pan Cheshire Escalation Policy to effectively challenge any practice we feel is not in the best interest of the child, young person or family.
Pan Cheshire Escalation Policy

How do we keep children and staff safe online at Meadowside?

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Useful information for parents and children:

The Families Information Services / Mylifewarrington directory is a useful starting point for many sources of information.

Warrington Families information Service can give advice on lots of topics including finding a child minder, days out and local play groups.

The Citizens Advice Bureau can offer help and assistance on many matters including debts, family law advice and housing issues.  Citizens Advice Bureau Tel: 0300 3309 091 (calls charged at local rate)

The NSPCC is an invaluable source of information on how to keep your child safe and live a happy life free from abuse.

Educate against the Hate is a great resource for information on counter extremism, reporting of hate crimes and protecting you and your family against extremism and radicalisation.

If you are worried about online abuse or the way that someone has been communicating with your child online you can contact CEOPS for help and advice.

Forced marriage is illegal, it can happen in secret and it can alos be planned by parents, family or religious leaders.  It may involve physical, sexual and emotional abuse. For more information and help you can contact:

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