

At Meadowside, our intention is to provide all pupils with an positive experience of learning a language, which is accessible, creative & engaging.  By the end of Y6 we aim to have equipped them with the knowledge and skills they need to become resilient & confident linguists. Alongside developing linguistic confidence, our objective is to also develop cultural awareness and understanding in order to promote tolerance and acceptance.

Our Curriculum is designed based on evidence based research, imitating authentic “real world” language learning as far as possible in a classroom setting with limited time, consequently content is carefully selected and the sequence of learning is well-structured with the aim of maximising retention.

We carefully select content in order to devote sufficient time for pupils to process language receptively prior to producing it themselves.

Within classrooms, teachers use a range of strategies to create a positive, high challenge, low threat, inclusive environment. Low stakes quizzing alongside games and engaging activities encourage pupils to remember as much content as possible. 

The desired impact is that pupils will be engaged in language lessons and will develop high levels of self efficacy, which will lead to pupils making very good progress in Spanish. Pupils will develop sound phonological awareness, consequently improving confidence and fluency when both understanding and using the language.

Pupils will develop an awareness of life and culture in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries.

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