Medical Care

Medical Care

The school has good links with the local Clinic. The school nurse and doctor visit regularly. During the year in which children become five they are given a medical examination. You will be given notice of this examination and be asked to attend. The children’s sight and hearing are tested by the school nurse and children with speech difficulties may see a Speech Therapist. Periodically, the school dentist examines the teeth of all children. You will be notified if any treatment is thought necessary. This can be carried out by the school dentist or your own dentist, whichever you prefer. If you feel you would like help or advice please do not hesitate to contact the school. We are all concerned for the welfare of the children in our care.

In normal circumstances, a child on medication will not be in school. However, there are some exceptions. In these cases the exact details and dosage must be handed to the class teacher on a completed ‘Medicines form’ and discussed. Medicines must never be in the possession of a child, this includes non-prescribed medicines, such as, Tunes, Lockets, Calpol etc. In the case of childhood illnesses, such as measles, chicken pox and mumps, the doctor will advise you as to the length of time a child should be away from school.