Marking & Feedback

Marking & Feedback

As you may be aware, there have been significant changes to the National Curriculum assessment procedures.  From September 2015, levels as a form of assessment have been removed.  Schools have been required to implement their own systems of assessment.

At Meadowside CP & Nursery School we recognise that marking and feedback are an essential part of planning, assessment and progress. Providing high-quality feedback to pupils is integral to effective teaching and we ensure a consistent approach throughout the school. Equally, gathering feedback on how well pupils have learned a topic is important in enabling teachers to address any misunderstanding and provide the right level of challenge in future lessons. Feedback studies show very high effects on learning and our daily pedagogy consists of oral formative feedback, within lessons, to raise high academic standards. 


Oral feedback has the unassailable strength of being instantaneous in comparison to the delay of written feedback. Regardless of what teaching and learning activities are being undertaken, oral feedback is integral to learning and progression as we recognise that pupils often struggle with written feedback. Therefore finding time to discuss their progress is typically more effective, as well as being more effective in terms of teacher workload.


Teachers take opportunities during the lesson to monitor and formatively guide the learning with individual conferencing, group and whole class feedback, actively engaging pupils in the process. Pupils also undertake the standard proof reading exercises after feedback, of their own work and of their peers, self correcting, in a systematic and highly consistent way. We are building good habits for pupils, whilst maximising lesson time. 

As part of a whole school cycle, we formally assess pupils using NFER assessments. 

For more detailed information see our Marking & Feedback Policy