Parents Meetings
Parent’s evening will be held from 28/01 – 30/1 for all classes and slots are now available to book on the Arbor app.
Back to Meadowside!

We are so pleased to have informed our school community that we will be back on site at Meadowside after the new year. We are looking forward to welcoming all children back on Tuesday 7th January 2025!
EYFS Pop-Up Event

We are happy to announce we will be holding an event at Meadowside for prospective parents of EYFS children on Wednesday 11th December at 3pm. We have 2 and 3 year old nursery provisions as well as a Reception class. We will be opening up our Reception class outdoor area and will have lots of […]
Arrangements for this half term

We have now confirmed that we will be in our current temporary sites until Christmas. We will update as soon as we have further information to share.

We do not have any further information regarding the leak at Meadowside. All parents have now received an email with arrangements for the next 4 weeks. All queries can be directed to the school office as usual.
Arrangements for after Half Term

Unfortunately, we have no further information regarding the leak however we are pleased to have secured sites for each of our classes to attend school for the week after half term. An email has been sent with full details. Parent’s can call the usual school office number with any questions or concerns.
School Closure Update for W/C 14/10

Unfortunately, we have no further details regarding the leak, however parents have been informed, via email, of the arrangements for next week. Pupils are being educated in different locations, accompanied by the teaching staff that they are familiar with. We will be contacting the parents of nursery children on Monday as we are working hard […]
School Closure Update for 11/10

Unfortunately, the school will be closed again tomorrow while contractors attend the site and assess the situation. In the meantime, online learning will continue for all pupils tomorrow using the online platforms. Pupils in KS2 should attend online live lessons via their Teams login, which they use for Senso in school. Class teachers will send […]